HIV / A.I.D.S. Outreach

Bethel’s mission involves helping persons in the community who for one reason or another, are marginalized. One such group of persons who tend to be forgotten are those infected with the HIV/AIDS virus.

As a Church we recognized that this disease, like all others, can and does affect ‘church members’ also. In an effort to educate its members about the disease, a committee was formed in 1998, headed by the Chairperson of the Training Department, Dr. Deloris Brissett.

Its main aim and objective is to ‘guide the church in its treatment of this phenomenon’. A Draft policy has been developed and since then members continue to be sensitized to the “do’s” and “Don’ts” of this disease.


The Church budgets an amount each year to assist in the operations of the major Institution involved in caring for affected persons. It also stages an annual Lapathon, usually near to WORLD AIDS DAY which is commemorated on December 1. Funds garnered from this exercise are donated to institutions islandwide which are directly involved in caring for the HIV/AIDS affected person. There is also a special care unit within the Church who follow-up on members and non-members who have been specially referred to them, by ensuring that they take their medications and keep their Doctor’s appointments.

If you would like to assist us in this venture, you may